たべます | to eat | のみます | to drink | かいます | to buy | みます | to watch, look, see | みせます | to show | かきます | to write, draw, paint | おくります | to send | つくります | to make, produce, cook | つかいます | to use | あいます | to meet / to match, fit | いきます | to go | きます | to come | かえります | to return | あります | to have, be at, exist (inanimate object) | います | to have, be at, exist (animate object) | はなします | to talk, speak | やくします | to translate | ねます | to lie down, go to bed | おきます | to get up, wake up, happen, occur | こわれます | to be broken | なおします | to repair, fix | あげます | to give, present / to raise, lift up | もらいます | to receive, be given | かります | to borrow, rent | あがります | to go up, rise | さがります | to go down, drop |
| ふえます | to increase | へります | to decrease | ならいます | to learn | おぼえます | to memorize, learn, master | おしえます | to teach, inform, notice, let somebody know | しらべます | to check, investigate | わすれます | to forget | はじまります | to begin, start, open | おわります | to finish, end | あけます | to open | しめます | to close | かちます | to win | まけます | to lose (a game) | まがります | to turn, curve | とまります | to stop / to stay (the night), lodge | のります | to get on, ride | おります | to get off | すわります | to sit, have a seat | あらいます | to wash | やきます | to grill, bake, roast, toast | きります | to cut | きます | to wear, put on (clothes) | ぬぎます | to take off (shoes, clothes) | とります | to take, get / to take a picture | します | to do, play (something) |