How do you do; To the person whom you meet for the first time
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night
See you, Bye
See you tomorrow
Long time, no see
Are you fine?; It is often translated into "how are you", but it's not used to the people whom you meet every day like English "how are you?", but to the people whom you meet after a long time. Ohayoo, konnichiwa and atsui desu ne etc. are used to the people whom you meet every day.
It's hot, isn't it?; These expressions on weather are used as daily greetings, like English "How are you?".
It's cold, isn't it?
It is a fine day, isn't it?
I'm sorry; Casual expression of apology
Excuse me, Sorry; In daily conversation, suimasen is overwhelming often used and it is also used as a light apology. The polite form is Sumimasen.
Said when you go out. (lit. Go and come back)
Reply to itte kimasu
When you return your home or office.
Reply to tadaima
When you leave office earlier than others.
1) Reply to o-saki ni shitsurei shimasu
2) When you finished something which you did with others such as a meeting.
Go ahead
lit. "be careful", To the person who will go to travel like "Have a nice trip" in English.
Don't mention it
Please come in
Please have a seat
Please sit down, Please have a seat
Good Luck!, do your best, try hard