วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Greetings 1


How do you do; To the person whom you meet for the first time

おはよう ございます

Good morning


Good afternoon


Good evening


Good night

じゃ また

See you, Bye

また あした

See you tomorrow




Long time, no see


Are you fine?; It is often translated into "how are you", but it's not used to the people whom you meet every day like English "how are you?", but to the people whom you meet after a long time. Ohayoo, konnichiwa and atsui desu ne etc. are used to the people whom you meet every day.


It's hot, isn't it?; These expressions on weather are used as daily greetings, like English "How are you?".


It's cold, isn't it?

いい てんきですね

It is a fine day, isn't it?


I'm sorry; Casual expression of apology


Excuse me, Sorry; In daily conversation, suimasen is overwhelming often used and it is also used as a light apology. The polite form is Sumimasen.

いって きます

Said when you go out. (lit. Go and come back)


Reply to itte kimasu


When you return your home or office.


Reply to tadaima

おさきに しつれい します

When you leave office earlier than others.


1) Reply to o-saki ni shitsurei shimasu
2) When you finished something which you did with others such as a meeting.

おさきに どうぞ

Go ahead

きを つけて

lit. "be careful", To the person who will go to travel like "Have a nice trip" in English.

おめでとう ございます


きに しないで

Don't mention it

どうぞ おはいり ください

Please come in

どうぞ おかけ ください

Please have a seat

どうぞ おすわり ください

Please sit down, Please have a seat


Good Luck!, do your best, try hard

Important Japanese Verbs 1

Audioたべますto eat
Audioのみますto drink
Audioかいますto buy
Audioみますto watch, look, see
Audioみせますto show
Audioかきますto write, draw, paint
Audioおくりますto send
Audioつくりますto make, produce, cook
Audioつかいますto use
Audioあいますto meet / to match, fit
Audioいきますto go
Audioきますto come
Audioかえりますto return
Audioありますto have, be at, exist (inanimate object)
Audioいますto have, be at, exist (animate object)
Audioはなしますto talk, speak
Audioやくしますto translate
Audioねますto lie down, go to bed
Audioおきますto get up, wake up, happen, occur
Audioこわれますto be broken
Audioなおしますto repair, fix
Audioあげますto give, present / to raise, lift up
Audioもらいますto receive, be given
Audioかりますto borrow, rent
Audioあがりますto go up, rise
Audioさがりますto go down, drop
Audioふえますto increase
Audioへりますto decrease
Audioならいますto learn
Audioおぼえますto memorize, learn, master
Audioおしえますto teach, inform, notice, let somebody know
Audioしらべますto check, investigate
Audioわすれますto forget
Audioはじまりますto begin, start, open
Audioおわりますto finish, end
Audioあけますto open
Audioしめますto close
Audioかちますto win
Audioまけますto lose (a game)
Audioまがりますto turn, curve
Audioとまりますto stop / to stay (the night), lodge
Audioのりますto get on, ride
Audioおりますto get off
Audioすわりますto sit, have a seat
Audioあらいますto wash
Audioやきますto grill, bake, roast, toast
Audioきりますto cut
Audioきますto wear, put on (clothes)
Audioぬぎますto take off (shoes, clothes)
Audioとりますto take, get / to take a picture
Audioしますto do, play (something)